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Grades at CMA

Kempo Ju-Jitsu:

- 10th Kyu (Jukyu)

- 9th Kyu (Kukyu)

- 8th Kyu (Hachikyu)

- 7th Kyu (Shichikyu)

- 6th Kyu (Rokukyu)

- 5th Kyu (Gokyu)

- 4th Kyu (Yonkyu)

- 3rd Kyu (Sankyu)

- 2nd Kyu (Nikyu)

- 1st Kyu (Ikkyu)

- Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)

- Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)

- Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)

- Yondan (4th Degree Black Belt)

- Godan (5th Degree Black Belt)

- Rokudan (6th Degree Black Belt)

- Shichidan (7th Degree Black Belt)

- Hachidan (8th Degree Black Belt)

- Kudan (9th Degree Black Belt)

- Judan (10th Degree Black Belt)

Grades in CMA Ryu Kempo Ju-Jitsu 2023.jpg

CMA Ryu Grading Guidelines

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