Combat Martial Arts


International Kempo Ju-Jitsu Union
International Kempo Ju-Jitsu Union Organisation Chart

The International Kempo Ju-Jitsu Union (I.K.J.J.U.), is a Multi Style Martial Arts Union which acts as an umbrella organization for Kyusho Jitsu Europe. The I.K.J.J.U. is currently overseen by O’Shihan David Court (Judan) along with a committee of senior Black Belts: Shihan John Duggan (Hachidan), Shihan Mark Holland (Hachidan), Shihan George Launders (Shichidan), & Shihan Dave Court (Godan).
The I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. are happy to accept applications for membership from any Martial Arts Instructor regardless of Country, System or Style, we only ask that you submit a copy of your current syllabus, Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and certificate of rank(s) along with your membership request. All applications are discussed by the committee on a case-by-case basis, with a majority required to approve the application.
Our goal is to bring together like-minded instructors & students of the martial arts who are willing to interact with each other and members of other clubs and associations outside the I.K.J.J.U. with the aim to improve knowledge, skill and efficiency whilst sharing ideas and learning from each other. We firmly believe that we grow by helping each other continue to learn.
Member Benefits:
Access to experienced and knowledgeable instructors in a variety of martial art systems. For example, the members of the Committee cover areas such as Kempo Ju-Jitsu, Kobudo, Zen Judo, Kyusho Jitsu & FMA to name a few.
Use of both the I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. names & badges on posters, certificates and social media.
Member discounts for the Two annual multi system seminars held each year:
May: North West England, UK
November: Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland
Attendance to at least one of the annual seminars is required as part of each clubs membership to show support for the Association and its member clubs.
Instructors available for assistance with Gradings and Seminars, any travel costs to be discussed between the seminar / grading organizer and instructors attending.
Standardised Grading Costs across all member clubs:
Kyu Grades starting at £10.00 - €10.00
Increases by £5.00 - €5.00 per grade for seniors
Increases by £2.00 - €2.00 per grade for juniors
£120.00 - €120.00 1st to 3rd Dan Grades
The I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. currently only grade physically to Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt). All other grades are awarded to instructors who demonstrate continued development of themselves and their system, promotion of the martial arts in general, and promotion & support of the Associations
All kyu student grading fees are kept by the member club.
All Dan Gradings should be conducted with two independent members of the committee present who are not part of the club conducting the grading.
50% of the Dan grading fees to be given to the Association
Any travel cost are to be negotiated between the Grading Club & committee instructors attending.
Option for use of I.K.J.J.U. or K.J.E. Grading Certificates (If wanted)
Joint K.J.E. & I.K.J.J.U. multi system Licence Grading Book
Access to & information about any seminars in UK, Ireland as well as other member countries
Standardised Annual Student Membership costs - £18.00 - €18.00 payable May each year, covering membership to both I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E.
Annual Club Membership & Registration cost covering both I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. - £100.00 - €100.00 payable to Shihan Duggan –Head of Kyusho Jitsu Europe
One E-Mail point of contact:
Affiliate Clubs:
Access to experienced and knowledgeable instructors in a variety of martial art systems. For example, the members of the Committee cover areas such as Kempo Ju-Jitsu, Kobudo, Zen Judo, Kyusho Jitsu & FMA to name a few.
Annual Club Affiliate costs to both I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. - £125.00 - €125.00 payable to Shihan Duggan –Head of Kyusho Jitsu Europe
Use of both the I.K.J.J.U. & K.J.E. names & badges on posters, certificates and social media.
Instructors available for assistance with Gradings and Seminars at a price agreed between the club instructor & the guest examiner / instructor